Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Lying as Second Nature?

"Lying becomes second nature." -- Michael Novotny (to Tracy, Queer as Folk Season 1 Episode 11)

Michael was referring to what he thinks happens to gays who are in the closet. To some extent, it is true. People like us who stay in the closet maintain a façade that is acceptable to the basically homophobic society. By carrying ourselves as straight persons in the public eye and by living our sexuality only when with a select few, we are in a way lying, though not deliberately, but involuntarily, because we are forced to lie about ourselves. I think to some degree, this is acceptable and understandable. But only to some degree. We should be careful so as to avoid making lying and pretension a permanent part of our character. But how are we gonna do that if we are still forced by the circumstances to live a big lie? Where do we draw the line between a lie which is acceptable and necessary for staying in the closet, and a lie which is despicable even in the closeted queer's eye?


glenncruz said...

hi ian... thanks for visiting my blog last april. i do my blogging now at i'd like to add you on my blogroll.

Unknown said...

lying is a defense mechanism which not only homosexuals are using.

cant_u_read said...

wow! that question made me think quite profusely. i guess lying as a means of shielding yourself from unwanted pain should be limited to just that. when it serves purposes other than that, whether or not it is convenient to you or not, then it's unjustifiable already.

wait a minute, did i just say lying could be justified?

gosh.. i don't know.

ian said...

hi rye,

i still believe that lying is not justified, but with us gays, especially if we are still in the closet, it sometimes becomes necessary to avoid pain. sa totoo lang naguguluhan din ako. pero siguro, as long as it is passive lying, for instance, about one's sexuality (like just denying that you are gay when asked), it is understandable. but if we go around and brag that we pursue girls when in fact we only go for guys, then that would be unacceptable. hehe. hirap.

cant_u_read said...

i agree.

chase / chubz said...

i think society dictates our inability to not lie.
i dunno...
and i think people understand why we lie.
daming thinking..
sumasakit na ulo ko.. hhuhuhu
i'm linking you your gayness.
nice blog u got here